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*O Lawd Why* Tiger's Porn Star Mistress Holds Press Conference Demanding Apology. Says She Gave Up Being A H*e For Him

Joslyn James, a former porn star and Tiger Wood's mistress number (get in the back of the line, we lost count a long time ago) is upset.

She held a press conference today (Friday February 19) to let the world know that she too has feelings.

Sitting alongside her attorney Gloria Allred. Ms James wiped crocodile tears away from her eyes as she told a room full of reporters that she fell in love with Tiger after he pursued her and lied to her about his feelings.

Moments before Joslyn spoke, Gloria Allred took the microphone. She said with a straight face, that her client had given up her job as a porn star because Tiger was very jealous and couldn't stand the thought of her being with another man.

Ms. James who's real name is Veronica Siwik-Daniels, has stated in the past that she became pregnant twice during her affair with Tiger.

She wants a face to face apology from the golfer.

If I were her I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that apology.
