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Racist Group Of Parents Called “Playground Mafia” In UK Hates Black People And Bullied Indian Teacher Out “Bloody Woman Should Not Be In Charge of Our Children”

sudana singh
Something ain’t right if this group of parents is called the “Playground Mafia”:
One man was heard to say “bloody Indian woman should not be in charge of our children” while children were reported gossiping that their parents “hated blacks.” Details of the racist remarks, made at the school which caters for children from five to 11 years, were given to the tribunal by headteacher Sudhana Singh who is suing the governers and Reading Borough Council for race discrimination. Traumatized Mrs Singh, a teacher with 20 years experience, claimed that she experienced “deeply rooted racist views” when she took over as headteacher of Moorlands Primary School in Reading, Berks. Read more after the jump!

One supporter of the unpopular head was branded a “Paki lover,” the tribunal heard. Mrs Singh is suing the local authority and the Governors of Moorlands Primary School after she claims she was subjected to a campaign of unlawful race discrination, bullying and harassment. “I believe that the campaign to remove me from my post was, in substantial part, related to my ethnic origins,” she said in her statement read by the tribunal in Reading.
“The degree of resistance and hostility I was met with was much greater than would otherwise have been the case but for my racial origins,” she said. “In respect of these problems both respondents failed to provide appropriate level of support but essentially adopted an approach which was detrimental to me and was less favourable compared with the way a headteacher from a different had and would have been treated.” She said she encountered aggression from a group of parents who were described by the previous head as the “Playground mafia.”
She claimed that governors were not supportive and many were part of the campaign to oust her. The “deeply entrenched racist views of the parents” were highlighted during a discussion a member of staff had with a group of pupils, the panel heard. One child said that “his Dad hates blacks”. This view was seconded by another child. When the pupils were asked about famous black personalities like Michael Jackson they were alleged to have said to the staff member: “If you like them (black people) then he was walking out of the classroom.” The student then did this.
Feeling she would receive no support from the governors she contacted Reading Borough Council about “deep seated ” and “endemic” racism at the school and a complaint was lodged. During this time a parent was overheard on the phone saying: “Bloody Indian woman should not be in charge of our children,” she told the panel. Another reported a child saying: Mrs Singh has to leave because she is Indian.” The child was said to have heard this at school. A parent who supported the headteacher was branded a “Paki lover” was warned “if you don’t shut up, we will shut you up.”
Wow. Apparently all this hatred caused this woman to miscarry a baby as well as fear for her life, but really this is proof that racism is alive and well everywhere…not just in the U.S.
