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This is so true!!! The Ways Facebook Ruins Your Relationship

We have all experienced the detrimental effects of Facebook on our relationship at some point or another. Perhaps the most important social media tool to have ever been created has taken it’s toll on at least one of your relationships. It is something that everyone has to go through; almost comparable to losing your virginity. Throughout our days, we have come across countless individuals that saw their relationship crumble right in front of their eyes because of Facebook.

Here are the 13 ways it can happen to the best of us:

Your relationship status
This is the first phase at which Facebook begins to over complicate your relationship. Take this following example into account. You have found a wholesome, yet undeniably gorgeous girl that you have been copulating with rather consistently. The pinch past mediocre sex has come as a result of taking her out on dates throughout the city which has surely become routine for you.

Everything is going fantastic, until she changes her relationship status to, “in a relationship,” and decides to ask you why you haven’t reciprocated the outward showing of digital affection. You will most likely react adversely because maybe you never planned on considering this young woman as a long term agenda or even announcing it to the world via Facebook. To most men, a Facebook relationship status is the equivalent to a high school promise ring, but to women it serves as another tier of validation from their friends.

Old Pictures Come Back To Haunt You
As the old adage goes, if she’s your Facebook friend then she already knows way too much about you. She has witnessed you indulge in a number of mistresses only a few years ago during your promiscuous days as a relentless bachelor. It was only a month ago when pictures surfaced of you being wasted, unable to stand straight while you hung your suit over the balcony of the Mondrian.

This will create mass amounts of insecurity and a lack of trust as she will always think you are doing what you’ve come to be notorious for when she is not by your side. Be fickle about what photos you are tagged in. If you have flaws, which you most likely do, she will be well aware from your photo gallery.

If photos get posted that include you and your lover, it is only natural that you will casually glance through the album. After you look through the album you may decide to tag yourself, but “forget” to tag her. You have no idea what type of uproar this can cause. She will think you are trying to hide her. Good luck getting out of this one.

Lack of online affection
There are weak men and then there are strong men. There are many weak men that we know personally that will post on their girlfriend’s walls 5 times a day regarding the most irrelevant topics. Then there are strong men that might post on their girlfriend’s wall if its a full moon. Girls love online affection and when strong men don’t give it to them, they feel a certain way about it.

Best excuse to go with:
To be honest with you, when I really like someone, I don’t like to interact with them online that much. I think it cheapens the sincerity of our connection, don’t you? It’s so impersonal.

Your Ex-Girlfriend
Because the godforsaken timeline function on Facebook will allow for her to go back to 2008 with three scrolls she will be able to see all of your ex’s and witness your exploits. May the Lord help you if you have done something with your ex that you haven’t done with her yet. This stuff will come back and haunt you, and this I assure you. Also, if your Facebook friends with your ex-girlfriend, get ready to face some serious consequences.

Her Ex-Boyfriend
Just like her observation of your ex, now you will be faced to deal with her ex. We all know the last thing you ever want to see on planet earth is him commenting on one of her photos or statuses. It may truly bring out the rage of the Hulk within you. This could be a good thing to use as collateral when you get caught with a blown out condom in your pocket from man night, but other than that, its annoying to deal with and will cause heavy frustration.

General Jealousy
There is nothing worse than general online jealously. It’s a a battle that no one will ever win. I cannot tell you how many times we have seen couples get jealous of each other as a result of their Facebook profiles. A typical scenario would be if you are out and she is at home.

You may decide to post a mobile upload, but get ready for a lot of her jealousy and attempts to play a subliminal game with you throughout the evening. Then there is the concept of groupies. You both might have them, but she will most likely have way more than you, as she is a beautiful young woman.

Of course you both are going to gain anxiety with all the previous factors in effect. This is the point at which you will mutually begin stalking each other and looking through each others’ pictures in attempts to dissect every action that is going on in the frame. Fights will erupt over this as you will wait along your phone and computer for her to post something or she will be the one waiting. Completely depends on who is less trustworthy.

Discovering Your Inbox
The most crucial mistake I have seen men make is that they leave their Facebook logged in, which basically opens the floodgates to go through all of your archives. It’s like leaving your past on a showcase for her to investigate through.

Always always always log out of your Facebook. If you don’t, you never know what she may find in your messages. You definitely have some messages that you might have forgotten about that will trigger a mood swing from her. This can be very dangerous.

Discovering Her Inbox
No matter how much you say you respect her privacy and trust her, we all know that if you are presented with the opportunity of going through her Facebook, you will stop at nothing to do so. Protect yourself here because you will discover things you don’t really want to discover.

It’s comparable to opening up a black hole. It’s in the nature of Facebook to blow everything out of proportion and the last thing you need is your head to explode because of old messages.

Some girls are crazier then other but you know you have found a keeper when she interrogates you like a detective about all of your new Facebook friends, who just so happen to be females. We have even seen some girls go as far as deleting every girl that is on her boyfriend’s friend list. Yes, girls are quite normal nowadays.

Pictures Say A Thousand Words
When it comes to Facebook pictures, you must know that she considers your profile picture of the ultimate announcement of saying, “Hey, I’m in a relationship.” Whoever is in your profile picture, in her mind, is given high priority in your life.

She will either want to see a profile picture of you two together or of you alone. She does not want to see you wasted with your friends on a late evening which entailed your “phone being dead.” To her, this means she’s not good enough to be your favorite. And, even if this is absolutely true, it’s something she absolutely doesn’t need to know.

Facebook can be catastrophic to your relationship. Our best advice here is to let her know off the bat that you don’t use social networks too often.
