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Fairuz (Arabic: فيروز‎, also spelled Fairouz or Fayrouz) is a distinguished Lebanese singer and legend. Born Nouhad Haddad (Arabic: نهاد حداد‎) in 'Jabal al Arz' ('Cedar Mountain'), Lebanon, on 21 November 1935, Fairuz is known as "Our (Lebanese) Ambassador to the Stars", "The Arabs' Ambassador", "Neighbour to the Moon", and "The Poet of the Voice".

Nouhad Haddad, later known as Fairuz, was born on 21 November 1935 in 'Jabal al Arz', Lebanon, to a modest Syriac Orthodox family. Wadi' Haddad, Fairuz's father, originally came from the city of Mardin, formerly in the Ottoman Empire, (now in Turkey), and settled in Lebanon after he married Lisa el Boustani (Fairuz's mother), a Maronite Lebanese. The family later moved to the cobblestone alley called 'Zuqaq el Blatt' in Beirut. They lived in a single room of a typical Lebanese stone house facing Beirut's Patriarchate school, and shared a kitchen with the neighbours. Wadi' worked as a typesetter in a nearby print shop and Lisa stayed home and took care of her four children, Nouhad, Youssef, Hoda and Amal. Read more... 

The Fairuz-Rahbani collaboration produced the following musicals (in chronological order):

"Ayyam al Hassad" ('Days of Harvest' - 1957)
"Al 'Urs fi l’Qarya" ('The Wedding in the Village' - 1959)
"Al Ba'albakiya" ('The Girl from Baalbek' - 1961)
"Jisr el Amar" ('Bridge of the Moon' - 1962)
"'Awdet el 'Askar" ('The Return of the Soldiers' - 1962)
"Al Layl wal Qandil" ('The Night and the Lantern' - 1963)
"Biyya'el Khawatem" ('Rings for Sale' - 1964)
"Ayyam Fakhreddine" ('The Days of Fakhreddine' - 1966)
"Hala wal Malik" ('Hala and the King' - 1967)
"Ach Chakhs" ('The Person' - 1968-1969)
"Jibal Al Sawwan" ('Sawwan Mountains' - 1969)
"Ya'ich Ya'ich" ('Long Live, Long Live' - 1970)
"Sah Ennawm" ('Did you sleep well?' - 1970-1971)
"Nass min Wara'" ('People Made out of Paper' - 1971-1972)
"Natourit al Mafatih" ('The Guardian of the Keys' - 1972)
"Al Mahatta" ('The Station' - 1973)
"Loulou" - 1974
"Mais el Reem" ('The Deer's Meadow' - 1975)
"Petra" - 1977-1978
"Elissa" - 1979 (Never performed due to the separation of Fairuz and Assi)
"Habayeb Zaman" - 1979 (Never performed due to the separation of Fairuz and Assi)

Most of the musical plays were recorded and video-taped. Eighteen of them have been officially released on audio CD, two on DVD (Mais el Reem and Loulou). A pirated version of 'Petra' and one pirated live version of 'Mais el Reem' in black and white exist. 'Ayyam al Hassad' (Days of Harvest) was never recorded and 'Al 'Urs fi l’Qarya' (The Marriage in the Village) has not yet been released (yet a pirated audio record is available). Read More...

Discography :

1- Houmoum El Hob

Track Listing
1. Houmoum Elhob
2. La'eb Elrisha
3. La Yadoum Ightrabi
4. Asforet Alshagen
5. Mourouj Elsoundous
6. Shams Elatafal
7. 'am Yle'abou Elwelad
8. Baddi Khaberkon
9. 'Oomen
10. Lamin Elhadia
11. Ayyam El'aid

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2- Qasaed (Poems)

Track Listing
1. Mourra Bi
2. Sailini
3. Nassamat
4. Ya Sham Aada'l Sayf
5. Qara'tou Majdaka
6. Ya Rouba
7. Sham Ya Thalsayf
8. Khodni B'aaynayk

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3- Maarifti Feek

Track Listing
1. Khaleek Belbayt
2. '84 Introduction
3. Ala'ola
4. Rah Neba'a Sawa
5. Maarifti Feek
6. '83 Reprise
7. Labeirout
8. 'aintoura
9. Ma 'edart Nseet
10. 'oudak Ranan
11. Altania

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4-Shat Iskandaria

Track Listing
1. Shat Iskandaria
2. Ames Intahayna
3. Fatehon Alay
4. Raja'out Filmassa
5. Men Rawabina Elkamar
6. Sayd Elhawa
7. Yabkey we Yadhak
8. Ya Za'ahery Feldowha
9. Akoul letfelaty
10. Kal Ya Baytoun Lana
11. Najmat Elkoteb

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5- Live at Beiteddine

Track Listing
1. Prelude Beit El-Din
2. La Inta Habibi
3.'Indi Thiqa Feek
4. Keefak Inta
5. Interlude Prelude To The Operetta Mays El-Reem.
6. Ishta'tillak
7. Shou Hal Iyyam
8. The National Lebanese Resistance
9. B-Titloj El-Dini
10. Tindhakar Wu Ma Tin'ad
11. Kibiri Al-Mazha Hay
12. Ahoua Dalli Sar
13. Habbaytak Ta-Nseet Al-Nowm
14. Talphan Ayash
15. Sabah Wu Masa
16. Nassam Aleyna
17. Ya Mahla

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6- The Lady & The Legend

Track Listing
1.Ana Fezaani
2.Mush Kissa Hai
3.Yabki Wa Yadhak
4.Fi Shi Am'bisseer
6.Shat Iskandaria
7Ams Intahena
8.Kal Ya Baita Lana
9.Al Lail Anasheed Wa Alomur Mawaied
11.Kifak Inta
13.La Inta Habibi
14. Nassam Alayna
15. Yes'ed Sabahak

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7- Sings Philemon Wehbe

Track Listing
1. Jayibli Salam
2. Ya Reyt Minon
3. Lamma Al Bab
4. Ana Khawfi
5. Al-Tahuni
6. Katabna Wu Ma Katabna
7. Ya Mirsal El-Maraseel
8. Ya Dara Douri Feena
9. Min Ezz El-Nowm
10. Sayyif Ya Sayf
11. Ya Karm El-Alali
12. Tiri Ya Tayara

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8- Kifak Inta

Track Listing
1. Oughniat Al Wadaa
2. Fikon Tinsoo
3. Mukadima 87
4. Ya Laili Laili
5. Iaada
6. Prova (Kifak Inta)
7. Kifak Inta
8. Dhia'anou
9. Fi Shi Am'bisseer
10. Indi Thika Feek
11. Mush Kissa Hai

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9-Al-Isswara(The Bracelet)

Track Listing
1. Wata El-Duwwar
2. Beytik Ya Sitti El-Khityara
3. Ya Karm El-Alali
4. Raqsit El-Gheera
5. Ya Mahla Layali El-Hawa
6. Shu Am Tihku
7. Isti'rad El-Dukkan
8. Hawneek Fi Sajra
9. Ya Reyt
10. Sa'eede Yiss'ed Massakun

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10- Dabkat – Vol 1

Track Listing
1. Khattit Adamkun
2. Ya Hajal Sanneen
3. 'Alli 'Alli
4. Bayyi Rah Ma' Hal 'Askar
5. Daqou El-Mahabij
6. Dabket Douwwara
7. Ya Shaweesh El-Karakon
8. Ma Nam El-Leyl
9. Ya Gheym El-Sayf
10. Ya Jabal El-Sheikh
11. Midhwiyyi
12. Ghumr El-Ghadayer
13. Aa Bali Ya Qamar

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11- Return of the soldiers - Al Baalbakia

Track Listing
1- Rahil al aliha
2- Baalbeck : ana chamaa ala drajek
3- Rahou
4- Raksa min jadid
5- Annatour
6- Ya zarif attoul
7- Kam banafsaj
8- Chetti a haqla
9- Laweyn rayhine
10- Telal azziraine
11- Medwiye
12- Shalhat al harir
13- Allah mehayi askarna
14- Turkat essawahel
15- Hely arreh
16- Btetloj eddene
17- Mouafa ya askar loubnan
18- Berjak eid
19- Helou ya saharna
20- Khedni
21- Baadak ala bali
22- Sa'al el helu
23- Loubnan el akhdar
24- Karem al alali

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12- Jerusalem In My Heart

Track Listing
1. Sanarji'ou Yawman
2. Ya Rbou' Bladi
3. Zahrat Al-Mada'en
4. Al-Quds Al-Atiqa
5. Sayfun Fal Yushhar
6. Ghaba Naharun Akhar
7. Yafa
8. Beesan
9. Sanarji'ou Yawman
10. Sayfun Fal Yushhar

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13- Raji'oun

Track Listing
1. Raji'oun
2. Ihtarif El-Huzn Wal Intizar
3. Rij'it Fil Masa
4. Ya Jisran Khashabiyan
5. Jisr Al-Aoude
6. Ya Saher Al-Ayn
7. Ind Hamaha
8. Ba'dna Man Yaqsid El-Kouroum
9. Baldati Ghaba Jamela

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14- Lebanon Forever

Track Listing
1- Hkili hkili an baladi
2- Rejeet al assfoura
3- Watani
4- Fi ahwi al mafrak
5- Zenobia
6- Assidat loubnan
7- Rudani ela biladi
8- Bedna n'kammel bille be'you
9- Ya jabal esheikh

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Track Listing
1. Beirut Hal Tharafat
2. Ya Mina El Habayeb
3. Amman
4. Al Kuwait
5. Hamaltu Beirut
6. Misr Adat
7. Baghdad Wal Chouarra

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16- Reminiscing With Fairuz

Track Listing
1. Aazzaroura
2. Ya Ghozayel
3. Nahna Wal Amar
4. Ya Helou Ya Amar
5. Ya Mayila Al Ghousoun
6. Al Bint Al Chalabiya
7. Nehna Widyab El-Ghabat
8. Ila Raiya
9. Azzaynou Ezzainou
10. Ya Rabi
11. Kaif Halak Ya Jar
12. Ya Henayena
13. Halalya
14. Taht El Ariche
15. Debna Ouma Tebna
16. Al Yadil El Yadi

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Track Listing
1. Irja'i Ya Alf Layla
2. Balleghhu Ya Qamaru
3. Law Kan Albi Ma'i
4. Ya Man Hawa
5. Ja'at Mo'adhibati
6. Qad Ataka Ya'tazir
7. Law Ta'lameen
8. Irja'i Ya Alf Layla
9. La Tasa'aluni
10 Ya Shadil Alhan
11 Ya Khalilayya
12 Ya Waheed El-Gheid
13 Hajabuha
14. Ya Ghusna Naqan
15. Jadak El-Ghayth
16. Ya Layl El-Hub
17. Lamlamt Dhikra Liqa' Al-Ams

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18-At the Royal Festival Hall – London 1986

Track Listing
1. Introduction 83
2. Shatti Ya Dinyi
3. Addeysh Kan Fi Nas
4. Sanarji'ou Yawman
5. Nassam Alayna El-Hawa
6. Hela Ya Wase'
7. Tadmur/ Instrumental
8. Wahdun
9. Nihna Wil Amar Jeeran
10. Khidni
11. B'oulou Zgheer Baladi
12. Trab Ayntoura
13. Zourouni

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19- Ishar

Track Listing
1. Isahr
2. Khayef A'oul Elli Fi Albi
3. Ya Garit El-Wadi
4. Sakan Al-Leyl
5. Habbaytek Wu Shouq In'al
6. Dakhilek Ya Oummi
7. Doq Al-Hawa Ala Al-Bab
8. Fayiq Wala Nasi

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20- Meshwar

Track Listing
1. Meshwar
2. Tebka Mayel
3. Marjouha
4. Bektoflak Bas
5. Bektob Ismak
6. La Teetab Alayi
7. La Enta Habibi
8. Lachou El Haki
9. Ya Helou
10. Baadak Ala Bali
11. Ma Fi Hada
12. Ya Amar Anaweyak
13. Alou El Ida
14. Bhebak Ma Baaref
15. Ya Rayt
16. A Ismak Ghanayt

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21- Ya Rayeh

Track Listing
1. Ya Rayeh
2. Al-Bawab
3. Waraqou Al-Asfar
4. Fayeq Ya Hawa
5. Leyliyi B-Tirja' Ya Leyl
6. Teli'li Al-Biki
7. Bi Karm Al-Lulu
8. 'Ala Jisr El-Lawziyeh

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22-The Arabs Ambassador

Track Listing
1. Qassedat Al-Imarat
2. Min That Hal Arze
3. Kan Yama Kan
4. Ouhibbou Dimashq
5. Bilghar Kullilti
6. Jordan
7. Al-Kuwait

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23- Anashid

Track Listing
1. Al Lail Anasheed Wa Alamour Mawaeid
2. Ardhuna…Onshudat Al Zaman
3. Ain Alroman
4. Al Malha Al Akhidar

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24- Sings Zaki Nassif

Track Listing
1. Adroub Al-Hawa
2. Sahritna Al-Basmat
3. Min Youm Tgharabna
4. Oummi Al-Habiba
5. Ahwak
6. Banadilak Ya Habibi
7. Fawk Hatika Al-Ruba
8. Aa Bali Ya Qamar
9. Yabni Ommi

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25-Mish Kayen Heyk Tkoun

Track Listing
1. Sallimli Aleyh
2. Ja'at Mo'adhibati
3. Daq Khulqi
4. Ishta'tillak
5. Wa Li Fouad
6. Tidhkeer
7. Law Ta'lameen
8. Uhibbu Min Al-Asma'
9. Mish Kayen Hayk Tkoun
10. Wa Kamh

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26-Damascus International Festival -1960

Track Listing
1. Sa'eleeni
2. Mawwal Anta Wu Ana
3. Ya Hnayyina
4. Fi Lana Ya Hub
5. Alouli Kenn
6. Wu Qa'dit Al-Hilwa
7. Lamma Bada Yit-Thanna
8. Lamlamtu Dhikra Liqa' El-Ams
9. Wul Dawali Dawalina
10. Jadak El-Ghayth
11. 'Am Bitdawwi El-Shams
12. Shatti Ya Dinyi
13. Ya Reyt
14. Ya Amar Ana Wiyyak
15. Daqqit Ala Sadri
16. Ya Teyara Tiri
17. Bekoukhna Yabni

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27-Oriental Evening (Sahret El Hub)

Track Listing
01.Yammi Ma Ba'arif
02.Yabqi Wayad
03.Q'atab Tu Ilayki
04.Assidat Loubnan Part I
05.Assidat Loubnan Part II
06.Ya Mirsan El Marassi
07.Ya'ddara Douri Finah
08.Ya Houmoum El Houb
09.Sakana Al Leyl Part I
10.Sakana Al Leyl Part II
11.Khabibi Baddoul Amar
12.Raja'in Ya Hawana
13.Ana Endi Hanin
14. Baatilak
15.Feyi ya Hawa

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28- Ana Ou Sehrani

Track Listing
1. Ya Qamar Ala Daretna
2. Ya Hala Ya Habibi
3. Ghali El Dahab
4. Gulnar
5. Ana Ou Senrani
6. Oummi Ya Malaki
7. Ya Habibi Koullama
8. Ghibi Ou La Tghibi
9. Al Ouda El Mensiyyi
10. Shal
11. Yara
12. Yaoum Ou Yaoumain
13. Betchouf Boukra
14. Reddi Mandilik Reddi
15. Ana La Habibi

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29- Ya Tura Neseena

Track Listing
1. Ya Oud
2. Samra Ya Omm Oyoun Wusa'
3. Ya Um El-Oyoun Kahla
4. Sarlo Zaman El-Hilou
5. Ba'd El-Layali
6. Ya Tara Nseena
7. Sama'na
8. Bokra Byiji Neesan
9. Reeh Al-Shimali
10. Ya Rob'ina
11. 'Al Yadi Al Yadi
12. Ma Ahla Al-Raj'a Bakeer
13. Ya Rbou' Bladi
14. Oummi Nida' El-Hanan
15. Kurmalak
16. Maghrour Albi

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30- Sings Ziad Rahbani

Track Listing
1. Salimleh Alayh
2. Oudak Rannan
3. Al Bostah
4. Kifak Inta
5. Maarifti Feek
6. Oghiniat Al Wadaa
7. Aloula
8. Dak Khilkeh
9. Indi Thika Feek
10. Mush Kissa Hai
11. Mish Kayen Hayek Tkoum
12. Baatilak

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31- To Assy

Track Listing
1. Jisr El-Amar
2. Nihna Wil Amar
3. Ana La Habibi
4. Yara
5. Bhibbak Ma Ba'rif
6. Ya Mhairitil Alali
7. Ala Mahlak
8. Buqtuflak Bass
9. Shalik Rafraf
10. Shatti Ya Dinyi
11. Ya Tayr /Ya Hajal Sannin
12. Hela Ya Wase'
13. Fayiq Alayyi
14. Nassam Alayna El-Hawa
15. Bi'dou El-Habayib
16. Taht El-Ariche
17. Habbaytek Wu Shouq In'al
18. Ya Horrieyh

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32- Legend The Best Of

Track Listing
1. Sallimli A'alaih
2. Habbaytak Ta Nseit El Nowm
3. Aoudak Rannaan
4. Humoum El Hob
5. Oghniyat Al Wadaa
6. Le Beirut
7. Shat Eskandariyya
8. Al Bosta
9. A'asfour Al Shagan
10. Al Thanieh
11. Kifak Enta
12. Ams Entahaina
13. Ana Aendi Haneen
14. Sabaa7 We Masa
15. Yisaed Sabaahak
16. Nassam A'alayna (Live)

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Fairuz : Live In Las Vegas

| DVD Rip | AVI | 740 MB|

Length : 01 :45
Video size : 640 x 432
Audio codec : MPEG Layer-3 Decoder
Video codec : DivX Decoder Filter

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Fairuz - Aljazeera Documentary
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Pass: WeLove-music

"To the Arab world Fairouz came suddenly, as a miracle. At a time when Arabic singing was weighed down with convention and predictability, and spirits were nationally at their lowest, her voice rang, as though from the beyond, the notes of salvation and joy. Arabic music has never been the same since. Nostalgic but vibrant, sad but defiant, folkloric and yet so new, hers has been for nearly 30 years perhaps the only voice that seems so capable of jubilation in an almost cosmic sense. By turns mystic and amorous, elegiac and fiery, her singing has expressed the whole emotional scale of Arab life with haunting intensity. Often singers give listeners pleasure, as they expect. She often gives them, beyond their expectation, ecstasy"Jabra Ibrahim Jabra
