Guess this wasn’t the happy ending we all expected? Thebe bka Earl Sweatshirt, a founding member of OFWGKTA, more importantly childhood friend of Tyler, The Creator was banished to the Coral Reef Academy in Samoa by his mother. He has since returned from the reform school and wasted no time getting back into music, releasing a new song last night. However, it seems as if things didn’t go as planned, as the Golf Wang front man is frustrated with his partner in rhyme suddenly resurfacing. Without reaching, from the looks of it, Earl’s mom, who was very vocal about not having her son participate in Odd Future has once again become a road block between the relationship of Thebe and Tyler, maybe even forbidding her son to actively hang out with OF. This is a blow to their movement as their OF Tape Vol. 2 compilation album is due out next month. We’ll see how this unfolds. Thoughts?