We live in a youth-obsessed age where teenagers dictate trends and many resort to extreme measures to achieve the looks and figure a twenty-year-old. But a new study has revealed British women are actually in their prime at 35. Researchers found after years of experimenting with different styles and looks, the mid-thirties bring new found confidence in their style and image.
The report also revealed one in three women grow more comfortable with their appearance the older they get, while three out of four think their style has improved over the years.
One in twenty went as far as to claim they didn’t feel they hit their prime until they hit the ripe old age of 56, according to the study by premium clothes brand CC.
A spokeswoman for CC said: ‘It’s encouraging to learn that so many women are realising they are more confident and attractive the older they get.‘There is an assumption that your looks and sense of style are at their peak in your late teens and early twenties, but this research shows that it can take a while before you find a style and image that suits.‘Confidence, knowledge and wisdom are crucial when it comes to looking good, you can have all the latest trends and must have fashion items but if you don’t have the confidence to carry it off the whole look is wasted.”
The study also found 59 per cent of women admitted they were currently guilty of dressing ‘too young for their age’.
And one in five said they regularly worried that they looked like mutton dressed as lamb.
By contrast 40 per cent felt they dressed in a manner which was too old for their age.
And contrary to belief, more than one in ten women said their confidence in their body shape grew with age.
Despite this 16 per cent of women said they lie about their age from time to time.
It also emerged around six out of ten women believe men age better than they do, with two thirds putting this down to the fact men don’t have to give birth.
The report also found one in three women feel they looked their best in their thirties, while nearly one in ten said it was when they were in their forties.
Helen Mirren was voted the celebrity women most considered to be in her prime at the mature age of 66.
She beat a host of other beauties to the top spot despite being some thirty years older than some of the other contenders.
Runner-up in the poll was 31 year old Holly Willoughby, just ahead of the Duchess of Cambridge and Britain’s got Talent Judge Amanda Holden.
A spokesman for Viyella added: ‘It’s promising to learn that women aren’t rushing to go under the knife to regain their youthful looks.
‘And the fact the Helen Mirren has been voted in her prime is a credit to the older woman of today and sums up our survey findings precisely – being in your prime is about confidence, style and finesse, all which come with age and experience.‘Often when you look back at photos at women whether they are celebrities or not, they look better now than they did say ten or twenty years ago.‘Undoubtedly that’s because trends change and what was the height of fashion years ago can look dated now.’