If you want to go to St. Barts for the weekend, your lifestyle will allow you to do so. If you want to go skiing in the mountains of Switzerland, your lifestyle will allow you to do so.
This type of lifestyle is wanted and envied by everyone who doesn’t have it. In a sense we are all ordering this lifestyle, but receiving an out of stock notice in its place. The reason why? It’s not because there is only a set amount of people in this world that can attain such a lifestyle; it’s because most of the people that dream of such a lifestyle don’t take any steps towards attaining it- once they wake up from their dream they go back to following their regular, mundane routine.
Having a lifestyle of this nature is special and is something that most aren’t blessed with. The reason why they have it is because they didn’t just sit there and daydream about it- they got up off their lazy asses and started doing things, working their way towards the dream.
This lifestyle, as we call it, is not just a lifestyle but a mindset. The two go hand in hand. The people that live this lifestyle understand that it didn’t come easy and that to attain it they had to sacrifice a lot, as well as put everything they had on the line. They risked comfort and stability for the unknown in hopes of achieving their dream.
The best part about it is that none of the people who were able to attain this sort of lifestyle started out dreaming about what they would do with all the money once they made it; instead, they all focused on the tasks at hand and were concerned with how they would change the world. The lavish lifestyle was just a perk.
The last thing they were worried about is how much money they were going to make and how fast they were going to spend it. That is the difference between the people that actually make it and the ones that only dream about making it. These people are driven by success, passion, hard work and leaving their legacy behind once they leave this world. The money and the lifestyle come as a bonus.
To get this lifestyle you need to work hard and follow your passion as well as your dream. Working for someone your whole life is not going to get you this; sitting there and dreaming about it and wanting it is not enough. Stop waiting for handouts in life and start actually doing.
You are not going to win the lottery- so don’t even bother. Get the lifestyle by sacrificing for it, putting it all on the line, following what you believe in and never quitting. This will make this lifestyle a worth all the effort; this is what makes it enjoyable once you have the pleasure of achieving it.
Being lazy will get you nowhere in life. Neither will doing the bare minimum just to survive. Feeling like you worked hard for something and finally getting it is a far more satisfying feeling than simply being handed it. Your life is not guaranteed to go a certain way or to go the exact way you imagine it will. The only way there can be any sort of progress is if you create that progress.
I have been around some of the most successful people in this world, living the lifestyle you want, which you believe to be out of stock, and none of them had it easy; none of them had a comfortable journey. Everything they worked so hard for was based off of them.
What you input into life is what life will output. Opportunities are taken, not given. Life is too short for you to be working for someone, only helping them attain the lifestyle and live the dream you yourself want to live.
If you want the lifestyle you dream of then go out there and get it, but let us warn you that if money is your sole motivation you will find yourself on the losing end. You need to be driven by things that are real in your mind. This lifestyle will be out of stock until you create it.
Preston Waters | Elite.