We have the power to make our own luck by thinking and acting in accordance to what will bring fortune and fulfillment to our lives. As a great man once said, luck happens when hard work meets opportunity. Here is what lucky people do differently:
1. Lucky people maintain a relaxed attitude that is open and aware.
Lucky people are always keeping a positive outlook that is in tune to the opportunity and excitement in front of them at all times. They are aware of the way the world works along with what they need to do make the most of it. Lucky people look for what they already know exists, not what could or should be there.
Unlucky people go to parties with the sole intent of finding their perfect partner, so they miss opportunities to make good friends or meet people who might be able to help them in their careers. They look through the newspaper determined to find specific jobs and overlook unexpected but profitable openings. Your mind always has to be open and relaxed to allow you to see what’s around you and the potential of what’s right under your nose.
2. Lucky people use intuition and gut instincts to make successful decisions.
Lucky people understand that their gut knows them better than they do at times. They know that going with your gut will always lead to a minimal amount of regret. If they are wrong, they welcome it as a lesson learned because they know their gut will react differently when faced with the same predicament thanks to the experience they have just had.
In contrast, unlucky people view many of their poor decisions as only more evidence of how they are always destined to fail.
Lucky peoples’ gut feelings and hunches tend to pay off time and time again. Even if they turn out to be wrong, they at least know that they went with the choice that made them feel the most at peace with themselves and therefore less frustrated and regretful as to how they came to their conclusion.
3. Lucky people notice little things and solve small problems.
So many people wish to be successful and wish to have all the fortunes in the world but what they don’t understand is that everything comes from a small idea or humble beginning. Grand ideas can only come after a small idea has been completely understood and proven to be successful.
Mark Zuckerberg didn’t create Facebook for everyone to use, he only created it for Harvard students before working his way up into everything that followed.
4. Lucky people treat their failures as an opportunity to learn and grow.
Unlucky people don’t realize how beneficial failure is to knowing how to get what you want. They think that they are failing as people when it is really just their approach that failed. Lucky people know that mistakes are only a sign that you are doing something right because you are coming closer and closer to learning how to flawlessly accomplish your goal.
No one starts out with a perfect understanding of how something works, so why dwell on failures and feel sorry for yourself when you should be taking advantage of the lesson you’ve learned and modifying your strategy?
5. Lucky people appreciate what they have right now.
Lucky people understand that they are lucky for all of the things they have been given. They appreciate the value of life and everything they have up to this point. If you are in the constant habit of feeling grateful and giving gratitude, the world wants to give you more and more.
Pay close attention to the present, many people aren’t so lucky. You already have some amazing things in your life, whether you realize it or not.
6. Lucky people work toward their goals every day without fail.
As stated above, the harder you work, the greater the opportunity will be. This is why lucky people never stop pushing to open themselves up to more and more chances to better themselves.
Unlucky people just wait for things to fall out of the sky and when this doesn’t happen, they blame it on their bad luck. If they devoted all the time they spent waiting for fortune to getting closer to their dreams and goals, their luck wouldn’t be so bad at all.
If you want good luck in your life, you’ve got to be willing to give it 100% every day. Diligence is the mother of good luck.
7. Lucky people help when they’re able.
What goes around, comes around for lucky people. Lucky people understand that helping others will only make them feel happier and more fulfilled and worthy of great things in return. They know that, here on earth, you get what you put in.
8. Lucky people enjoy new experiences and take calculated risks.
Lucky people love to explore new experiences. Unlucky people are creatures of habit. They take the same route to and from work every single day, talk to the same types of people at social functions, and live out the same routine day in and day out.
In contrast, lucky people try to introduce variety into their lives. They are adventurous. They take calculated risks. They are consistently taking action in the face of uncertainty.
9. Lucky people believe they CAN.
In all walks of life, positive beliefs have the power to become self-fulfilling prophecies.
Lucky people believe they CAN be successful. Studies have shown that a managers’ positive beliefs and expectations in their staff have a profound effect on the productivity and success rate of their team. Likewise, managers who believe in themselves motivate the people around them to perform and believe in themselves as well, while those with poor expectations cause those around them to become despondent and unproductive.
Positive beliefs and high expectations also motivate lucky people to persist even in the face of considerable adversity; which means they eventually race further and further to the finish line as the other contenders walk back to where they started.
10. They believe their lucky
Yes, it might sound a bit unrealistic to you but lucky people understand that your thoughts will attract what will happen in real life. Lucky people believe their lucky and actually believe that every situation will have the best possible outcome and in their favor. Unlucky people believe they have bad luck and that is why things don’t go their way. It’s all about what is in your mind.
Closing thought-
Those who take responsibility for their own lives and actions know that luck can be created. Live each day believing in yourself and your ability to be lucky, and over time you will be.
Those who take responsibility for their own lives and actions know that luck can be created. Live each day believing in yourself and your ability to be lucky, and over time you will be.
Shouts to Elite daily