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Open Relationships: The Future Of Our Society?

Open relationships are clearly not for everyone and only preferred by a select few but we’re here to tell you that those few are the smart one’s, the one’s who can see the direction the role of dating is taking in modern society these days. The traditional stipulations of a romantic relationship are becoming rules of a strictly close minded past, since our generation seems to have their own interpretation as to what it means to be committed or monogamous.

According to Generation Y, the idea of old fashioned dating as a way to find love and happiness could not be farther from the truth. It rarely produces concrete results and is actually rather restricting of our freedom as young adults because it tells us that this is the only civil way to satisfy our craving for the opposite sex.

Times are changing, people are changing and the way we view the significance of our romantic prospects has drastically transformed over the past ten or so years as well.  In fact, it almost seems that traditional dating may very well die out once Generation Z has their say in the matter.

This isn’t because times are getting depressing and therefore people are becoming less caring and more reckless. This change is merely a side effect of evolution due to the knowledge and experience we have accrued as to what leads to a more fruitful, exciting life. We have grown increasingly more promiscuous and sex doesn’t have the value or general importance that it used to you, with girls commonly losing their virginity as young as fourteen these days.

Rebellious behavior of this nature is becoming the norm for youths around the world who can’t seem to find a reason to ever stop enjoying the fun and adventure of frequent pre-marital sex with many anonymous partners. It’s also becoming not so strange to see older adults staying single for much longer periods of time than ever before, not even considering marriage as a possibility to become more at peace or “settling down” as it used to be called.

An open relationship, as we all know is a certain type of relationship where there really is no direct commitment to just one person but instead a dedication to abide by our natural instincts to spread the love whenever and wherever we feel it’s necessary. The beauty of this concept is that it usually stems from a traditional relationship that is going sour as most will when two people grow bored of having sex with each other.

These two people still care about each other but cannot help but be curious as to what it would be like to have sex with other people without having any feelings of guilt or the need to explain their actions to their partner.  There are different types of open relationships and different levels of commitment and understanding but at the end of the day, it’s literally like having an unlimited Hall Pass.

Open relationships are so common that even Facebook, the all knowing guide as to what constitutes a modern relationship, recognizes open relationships as something that should be okay to publicize and flaunt to all of your online “friends. ” Sex is just losing all the emotion that used to be put into every series of thrusts and people are realizing that all this ultimately means is, well, more sex!

Why let yourself get dragged down by only having sex with one person, when you know that as a human being you will enjoy it with many different types of people as well? It’s normal to care about someone for an extended amount of time and want to continuously hang out with them but this is just why open relationships are so perfect, because you can explore all the different kinds of sex to be had without having to worry if it’s going to cause the person you care about to suddenly dislike you for just being human.

Open relationships are not just for nymphos or people that are labeled as cheaters. Married couples even adapt to these guidelines by attending “swingers” parties now and then. It’s never too late to realize the natural error of traditional commitment and now take advantage of a healthier set of rules.

Our generation is the generation of instant gratification, a representation for why less is definitely not more when it comes to human nature. What we have is never enough to us, and we want it now or never. Think of the way we love our Apple products. We have an iPod, iPad, iPhone and Macbook. It’s the same way we look at women, we want all the products available to us to use whenever we want.

The only issue that arises is the fact that we’re also inclined to be sexually jealous of a partner being with someone else, and from a biological standpoint, we’re resistant to that partner having another relationship. We’ll leave that to Generation Z, they will easily grind away the last remaining flaw of the mind that ties us to traditional relationships.

No one likes to be controlled or tied down. We’re hunters, not slaves or robots. We should not be worried what our partner is doing when we’re not around because we should be worrying what we are doing with ourselves when they aren’t at our side. Many disagree with this theory, mostly women, since their natural overload of emotions usually gets in the way of them having fun.  All that matters is that we just show a little bit more extra attention to the one we engaged in this open relationship with so everyone can be happy.

The key to an open relationship is honesty and being straightforward with your original partner. Once the lying starts, it’s all down hill from there. We have evolved into being okay with open relationships and once we start being more honest with each other we will evolve once again into much more trustworthy and accepting beings.

This is the future of dating, one that will only lead to us loving ourselves and each other even more.  It’s not like tradition has gotten us very far in this regard, anyway. We already know that what we’re doing with each other is hurting the way we view other people, so why keep doing it? Let’s experiment so we can at least say we tried.

Chase Hitchens | Elite.  
