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How To Spot An Attention Whore

Sure – there is an attention whore in all of us. But in those of us with self restraint and at least a decent amount of mental stability, it’s just a small part of who we are. However, there are a few other girls who completely need the attention of everyone in the room, at the party, in the WORLD.

Those people, my friends, are Attention Whores – and we all know one. Remember your friend who always posts ridiculously sexy photos of herself looking like a Victoria’s Secret supermodel, and then captions the pic with “OMG, I am SOOOO fat!”

Why do you think she does this? Of course, all her friends will start complimenting her and telling her how beautiful and perfect she is. Seriously, I wish someone would comment “Damn, you have put on a few pounds girl!” and see how she reacts.

Well, ladies and gents, that’s the attention whore. There are generally two types of attention whores: those who are lonely and have no friends and the second kind who just needs attention 24/7.

The first one is relatively harmless and a little sad really – they really genuinely just want some friends. It’s the second type you have to watch out for because being their friend or boyfriend will generally make your life a living hell.

So – how do you spot this crazy attention seeking bitch? Here are a few signs to keep an eye out for:

She Fishes for Compliments Constantly

She knows she looks good, yet she constantly needs others to reassure her of this fact. She works out and puts on a revealing dress on her killer body, clicks a picture and posts it on her Instagram with the caption “I look so ugly in this pic…” The correct way to deal with this is to respond “You’re right. What happened to your face?”

How To Spot An Attention Whore

She Tells White Lies

She often over exaggerates about her possessions, her wealth, her vacations and shopping sprees just to look cooler than everyone else. She has a constant need to feel superior to all her friends. If someone is talking about their recent trip to Hawaii, she will often counter with “Oh, I’ve been to Hawaii hundreds of times. Bali is where it’s at now – and I’m going there for Christmas!”

Her Problems are Everyone’s Problems

She intentionally flaunts her personal problems and issues to anyone and everyone that can listen – to her friends, on the subway, on her twitter, to the cab driver.

How To Spot An Attention Whore

And of course, in every story she is the victim of some wrongdoing in order to obtain the sympathy she shamelessly craves for. In reality, most of the drama she has created herself – because a true attention whore surrounds herself with drama – and she thrives on it.

She’s the Center of the World

She feels miserable if she isn’t the center of attention with her friends, let alone any group of people she happens to be with. If she found out that two of her friends went out without her, she makes a huge deal out of it and acts deeply hurt and betrayed. Now – imagine if you went out on a boys night instead of spending the night with her – all hell would break loose and she will bring this up for years to come.

Everyone Must Drop Everything for Her

Her problems and moments of happiness need to be shared by you and all of her friends. If she broke up with someone, all her friends have to share her pain – to the point of dropping all their plans and coming to wherever she is to lavish her with attention and sympathy.

How To Spot An Attention Whore

She doesn’t understand why she cannot text someone at 2am demanding to ‘talk.’ After all – she is upset and needs to address it RIGHT NOW!

She Is a Cock-Tease

She complains constantly about these annoying guys that text her all the time, and puts them down when she’s around her friends. In reality, she is responding to each and every one of these texts with suggestive responses, maybe even sexy photos in order to get a response. An attention whore is the ultimate cock-tease because no matter how long you pursue her, she will never give it up – but she will always make you think that you’re just about to get into her pants.

How To Spot An Attention Whore

Now you know the signs to look out for, so please heed my advice: Avoid this bitch at all costs, because there is nothing more difficult than trying to de-friend an attention whore – they’re like leeches who will eventually suck the life out of you.

@_Trophy_Wife | Elite.
