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Why Women Cannot Ever Be Trusted

Very recently we saw a Tweet from Rob Kardashian accusing his, apparently, former girlfriend Rita Ora of cheating on him with 20 guys since they first got together in November. That is 20 dudes in about a month- maybe a month and a half.

What is even more interesting is that they have been friends for quite some time prior to getting together officially.

Now, I could go off on how crazy it is that she (allegedly) slept with that many guys in such a short period of time while dating someone- how crazy and how disgusting, but I won’t. If she wants to play Guess That Daddy in 9 months, that’s her decision.

What I find bewildering is that she was able to get it in with a different guy almost everyday for a month before Kardashian caught on. This leads me to believe either one of two things; either Rob Kardashian is a complete schmuck who isn’t able to keep his bitch on a tight enough leash, or Rita Ora is a lying, conniving, heartless slut. Most likely a combination of both.

Since I personally don’t give a shit how much cock Rita can take- and don’t believe that anyone else should care either, except maybe Kardashian, or those 20 guys- let’s focus on something more relevant. Here’s my question: Can women really be trusted?

It’s no secret that human beings have a soft spot for lying. Sure, some do it for pure sport, but generally speaking most people only lie in order to protect themselves. They will lie about their actions and thoughts in order to avoid punishment or judgment. Those that need to protect themselves from judgment and punishment most often will be telling the most lies.

Out of the sexes, which is more likely to be judged and ridiculed for their actions and thoughts? Let’s take all illegal acts out of the equation. Who is more likely to lie about their sexual fantasies? Who is more likely to lie about the amount of sexual partners they had?

Who is more likely to lie about that burrito that they ate at 3 in the morning when they have apparently been on the Atkins Diet for the last month? Who is more likely to lie about their bra size and the battery powered toys they have hidden under their socks in the left drawer, second from the top?

The answer is obvious: Transvestites. And then women. Women are much more likely to lie about their behaviors than men are. This isn’t because women are born lying little devils- society makes them that way. Men make them that way.

We set up long lists full of nonsensical ways that men believe women ought to act. Women aren’t allowed to have more than one partner. Women have to dress appropriately- turtlenecks only. Women can’t be sexually experimental. They need to be conservative, stay at home wives that cook and clean and obey.

And what if these ladies decide to tell those writing these regulations to go fuck themselves? They pay the penalty. They are looked at as whores, sluts, silly girls that don’t have a place in the world. They are tormented in private and in public.

Thanks to social media we can now torture women on an open forum. If we are lucky some of them may commit suicide and join the others that already have as a result of oppression and the archaic double standard. But who cares if they decide to take their own lives? One less woman comfortable with her sexuality is a win for humanity, right?

And so they lie. They lie about enjoying masturbation. They lie about sleeping with 20 guys in one month. They lie about liking their hair pulled and being spanked. They lie, and lie, and lie. But it allows them to function in a world that won’t accept them for who they are. To circle all the way back, I do not believe that women should be sleeping around if they are in a relationship.

Fuck whoever you want, until you decide to settle for someone- then just settle. There’s a difference between lying to protect yourself and lying to hurt someone else. And Robbie boy, if she’s treating you like shit and cheating on you, you have to remember that age-old saying first realized by a wise monk: You can’t turn a whore into a housewife.

Paul Hudson | Elite. 
