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Live Life Like You Mean It, With Conviction

Life must have some sort of purpose, as we usually stress here at Elite. Going through the motions and having every day be just as pointless and unfulfilling as the last one is the easiest way to ignore the beauties of being a human and the opportunities to experience the great wonders this world can offer you.

It is the biggest fear people have but yet so many still fall into the trap of being average, complacent, comfortable with the comfortable.

When you take a stand out of deep conviction, people know. They may not even agree, but they ask, ‘Do I want someone who is willing to take a stand and someone I can trust to do that when the chips are down?’ They want that. ~Barbara Boxer

People dislike the concept of being bored with life and claim they are trying to avoid it as much as possible. They know they are living life with no real purpose but the biggest mistake they make is worrying about how their life looks to someone on the outside rather than just worrying about their own personal growth and bettering themselves.

You need to be living life with conviction and the belief within yourself that you are capable of more.

You can simply start by figuring out what you stand for. Is it a passion, love, a good time, a cause to spread a certain type of knowledge or just the desire to make a name for yourself? You need to paint a clear picture of what you want your legacy to look like when it is all said and done.

How do you want to be remembered and how long would you like your story to live on after you have utilized all the time you have been given on this earth? Without making your stamp on this world, you lose the idea of being important, a vital and inspirational member of society that impacted other people’s lives in a positive way.

This will happen if you never make a stand and challenge the obstacles standing in the way of your success. Don’t accept what’s in front of you. Find the power within yourself to change it.

Living life with some sort of conviction is what separates those who live by a monotonous 9-5 routine from the people sitting in the penthouse above watching them rush to their desk everyday. If you have ever seen the morning rush to work in a big city and told yourself you don’t want to be a part of it, congratulations, you are just like everyone else.

To be different is to act on this desire and create a life that doesn’t require such slave-like duties.

You need to figure out how you are going to embody your conviction and your purpose in life. Don’t leave it for tomorrow because tomorrow may never come. You can either take giant or baby steps to stand in the light of your convictions, as long as you are not simply just talking about them.

Conviction is worthless unless it is converted into conduct. ~Thomas Carlyle

Conviction is one of the biggest motivators we have in our minds. Conviction is what allows you to truly stand behind what you believe in and what you want to make out of this world. It is what allows you to own up to the fact that you may die from your dedication to your cause because you are going to give it everything you’ve got.

You need to use your conviction to take responsibility for your actions no matter what you are doing and never give up along the way. Everyone in the rat race to work in the morning gave up way too easily, which is why they are in there in the first place.

Don’t be a ‘poor me’, be an ‘I-know-what-I’m-doing’ kind of chap/lass.

Own your life, own what you want to get out of it, own that you are still learning and growing, own who you are and what you stand for and most of all, own the fact that it won’t last forever.

We are in this theatrical production of life together, we will come and we will go — make the most of it while you can.

Write your own script in life and if you truly do live with conviction, your life will be a classic movie that gets re-watched by many generations to come. Don’t be afraid to break out of the normal and be judged by others in the process. The only reason they are judging you is because they are jealous of your individuality and drive to live a life that fits only your hopes and dreams.

Own it, be it, do it and then, when it is your time to exit — depart knowing that you have truly lived. If you leave this plane of existence having touched just one person’s life, you have made a difference!

Live like you mean it.

Preston Waters | Elite. 
