The problem with the subconscious mind is that if you don’t train it to be your partner on the path to greatness, it will implement an incredible amount of self doubt and disbelief as to what you are trying to do with your life.
This is why so many people are never able to fully utilize their abilities to the next level and become depressed in the process. Their subconscious forbids them from moving forward with its debilitating forces of sadness and alienation.
What many don’t know is that your beliefs drive your behavior. And the subconscious mind is what creates those beliefs, both positive and negative. Unless you take control of these thoughts and how they influence you, the path to success is going to seem a lot more uncertain and treacherous.
If you believe somewhere deep inside of you that success equals some kind of pain (loss of freedom, loss of time with your family, loss of love, rejection, embarrassment, vulnerability or shame) you will NOT let yourself do what it takes to succeed because you see your goal as a completely negative experience rather than a necessary step to bettering yourself.
You must program your subconscious mind to think in favor of what you plan on doing and what you really want out of life rather than let it work against you and be the reason you never get anywhere in life.
Sometimes, no matter how consciously aware you are of your goals, if your subconscious is not at the right position and headed to the right direction, you will have a hard time achieving them and making your dreams come true. The subconscious has the tendency to counteract all your conscious efforts. The solution to this dilemma is to allow the conscious and subconscious to work side by side.
While approaching a bump in the road while working towards a goal, the subconscious brings upon your negative thoughts and reactions that are rooted from past experiences. Also, surroundings can attribute on the general characteristic of an individual. In some cases, your subconscious way of thinking had been instilled by other people and imposed by culture you live in, pertaining to what you watch on television, hear on the radio, or read in the papers.
The subconscious mind is responsible for brash actions. If you are disciplined enough to control these thoughts and change your negative reactions, then the conscious action will not be harmful. In short, the conscious must be selfless, controlled, and grounded on convictions of what is right for you.
It all starts from your realization of wanting to improve yourself. Thus, you self-analyze on your individuality. You reflect on your actions in the past and where it has taken you now. You figure out which of your actions have been destructive and you analyze the thoughts behind those actions.
After careful contemplation of what you would like to be and where you would want to go in life, you are now equipped with the knowledge of what not to say or do and most importantly, what not to think. Well, maybe, there are some things you cannot help but think.
You are, after all, only human. In that case, there are some thoughts that are better left unsaid or not acted on. With this, you are now able to program your subconscious to work for you and not against you.
The power of the subconscious mind is not to be over looked and if you speak to any person that has accomplished success in their life they will tell you the biggest factor was having their mind in the correct place, allowing them to always move forward no matter what was put in front of them.
So many people fail at improving themselves because they listen to the little voice in their head that tells them they are going fail.
All you have to do is take all of the strength of this voice that says you are going to fail and reprogram so it uses all of that energy trying to convince you that you are destined only for greatness. If you can control your mind, visualize what you really want and work hard for it, the rest simply works itself out.