Money, power and respect are the three primary goals the majority of American males strive to attain throughout the course of their lives. Money, power and respect are what separates person that drives to work from someone that gets driven to work.
These possessions truly make a man feel like he has dutifully fulfilled his purpose on this earth and has reaped the greatest rewards the world could possibly offer.
Men, it’s time to own up to these three key terms. They are, after all, what we are created to live for and view as the most prideful accomplishments in existence. We must utilize our passion, dedication and work ethic to take back the role of the alpha male and regain control of our individual futures.
We all want to be the man, we want to have all eyes on us, the center of attention, the desire of every female in the room and the envy of all who care to cross our paths. This status comes with money, power and respect and nothing else.
It is the internal goal of every man to be recognized and respected for his hard work and to be rewarded for how he asserts his masculine nature. These gifts, however do not come easy for anyone. To gain money, power and respect, you must work harder than you ever imagined and believe in yourself even when every aspect of your life tells you not to.
To take advantage of the opportunities to gain these three things, you need to be a leader, an innovator, a stand out personality. The world only remembers the leaders, not the people they had behind them. It’s time to be on the top of the food chain if you want to grab life by the balls and live a life of privilege and admiration.
Find your niche and what you love
Life is all about finding what you truly love and figuring out a way to make money from it. When you do something you love, you basically don’t even feel like you’re working and you are enjoying everyday as it goes by. Most of the men who have money, power, and respect decided they needed to do what they loved for a living and they weren’t going to give up no matter how many times someone else told them it wasn’t a possibility.
With that passion you need to find your niche. Find a void in the marketplace, find something that no one is currently doing or taking advantage of and have it become your focus point. Study it and master it better than anyone who has ever crossed the same path.
Some people are great at picking up and enhancing their technical ability but are bad are pushing their personal brand – don’t make the same mistake. Know something – shout. This is the first step to money, power, and respect.
Money – look and play the part
The more money people think you have the more they will fear you, which will ultimately cause them to respect you. You need to play the part. Having money is not just how much you have in your account but also your ego, your confidence, your impression when you walk into a room and the style you radiate everywhere you go.
Having that alpha male look gives you the power unlike any other and tells the people around you, “hey, this guy is for real.”
Street Cred – maintain your position at all levels
Your reputation is vital for advancement in any type of business. Your name and how people see you as is what they will tell others about you. If you are known as a gypsy you will always be known as a gypsy. Don’t ever do anything to damage your credibility because once it’s gone, it is extremely difficult to get back and you don’t need any additional work on top of what’s already in front of you.
Be at the top of the pecking order and always keep a clean name. You need to always stay relevant and be at a high enough position for people to come to you and ask you for things rather than you going to them and asking them for favors. To do this, you must be a demonstration of the model figure of success for other people, you must constantly remind the rest of the world as to why you belong at the top of the food chain.
Big Move – take a chance
Money, power and respect do not come without risk, as any reward this great requires courage willpower of an incredible level. Anyone who has attained greatness never feared failing because they knew they were doing the right thing by standing up for what they believed in.
Challenge yourself and take your motivation and passion past any limits you ever thought you had. Once you do succeed and get through your gruesome journey to the top, you will forever be cemented on this pedestal. But only the fearless will get there.
Power – get with the crowd
You’ve got the money and you know how you want yourself to be perceived by those around you, and now it is time to get the power necessary for the final acquisition of respect. but now its time to get the power which then leads to respect and then your a made man.
It’s time to be greedy, work hard, and cut out any thing in your life that is stopping you from living your dream. There is nothing wrong with being power hungry or ambitious. It’s time to be loved by how feared you are. When people hate you and love you at the same time, every word that comes out of your mouth is an order, not an request.
If you want money, power and respect, go out there and take it. Do whatever is necessary for you to make a name for yourself so you become someone worthy of life’s greatest rewards. Separate yourself from a lifestyle that is not destined for success.
Money, power and respect only comes to those who deserve it, and if you become someone who you yourself would idolize, the finest forms of accomplishment will surely come your way.
Preston Waters | Elite.