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Study: Sex And Alcohol Make You Happier Than Having Kids And Religion

BREAKING: A revolutionary new study has revealed that people actually enjoy having sex and alcohol more than children and religion in their lives.

This shocking information comes from a study by Carsten Grimm from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, as people rate sex as the top activity that brings them happiness, followed by drinking alcohol or “partying.”

While kids may bring inexplicable joy to our lives, they’re fifth on the list of things that bring us joy, as they don’t bring the instant satisfaction as boning our significant others,  nor do they provide the relief of a good night of binge drinking.

People prefer religion and meditation over kids, as well, but not as much as they like their sex and alcohol.

In other news, water is still, in fact, wet, and Lindsay Lohan still hasn’t gotten her life together.

Stephen Willard | Elite.
