Our society has managed to strip competition away from society as much as possible. The masses have tried to create a level playing field for everyone, keeping everyone just average. All those that are average try to persuade the rest of the population to loath and despise those who have managed to come out on top- a.k.a.- the 1%.
The problem stems from the way our generation was raised, raised to believe the nonsense bullshit that we shouldn’t be selfish and that it is ok if we don’t perform well because we tried our best. Let us be the first to tell you that that is nothing but the worst bullshit advice you will ever hear in your life.
Society as a whole has stopped awarding the winners in life and started looking at them as the bad guys, simply because they have done better than we have, and because they might have a bit of an ego as a result of their success. Instead of worrying about them we should be focusing on ourselves and how we are going to excel in life- eventually being seen as winners and not those who tried their hardest in life and got nowhere.
The saddest thing in the world is a wasted talent and there is way too much wasted talent out there. We should be propelling people to actually do something with their lives and not to stop until they have ultimately become winners in their respective industries.
Yet instead, we do the opposite. Society tries to create a path for people to follow that will lead them to being only average. It is up to you to break through those pedestrian thoughts and go against the status quo. You can call them whatever names you’d like, but in the end a winner is a winner.
Winning should be your one and only goal. People might hate you for that, but that’s their problem- not yours. Whoever doesn’t think winning is a big deal clearly has always been on the losing team. Nobody cares about your journey, your sleepless nights or the time you ate ramen noodles and peanut butter for dinner.
Nobody cares that you left your girlfriend or that you worked 20 hours a day for 3 months. None of it matters if you come up short and lose. Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.
There are two types of people in this world, the winners and the losers. And then there are the peasants on the sidelines who are too afraid to put forward a real effort, so they just watch the competition pass them by. What separates them is their mentality and their ability to give every last bit of energy they have- until they are literally out of breathe.
It’s the ones that want it more than anything and the ones that will never give up or allow anything to get in their way. As the saying goes you can always tell who the winners are from the gate.
If you strive to be anything in this world and want to have your name remembered for centuries to come, remember that it won’t happen unless you win. If you’re just doing the bare minimum in order to get by and hope that one day you’ll get lucky, you’ll never get lucky. You will never win.
People don’t remember the losers. No matter how much greatness you have accomplished, unless you are currently winning and continue winning, no one will remember you. People forget the past very quickly. This is why it is one of the most important factors of life.
It is what keeps you relevant compared to everyone else and is the reason why people will look up to you and not to others. Look at all the great coaches that have been fired because of a bad season. No one ever remembers their previous great seasons when they won almost every game- they only remember the last terrible one. Your goal in life needs to be to win at everything you do up until the day you die. If you don’t than you are a loser.
You need to be obsessed with winning because it truly is the only thing that matters in this world. No one remembers the Winklevoss twins or John McCain, they remember Mark Zuckerberg and Barack Obama. Competition is everything in this world and unless you are better than the person sitting next to you, you are not a winner.
Life is pretty simple; we are all savages all looking to become winners and will do whatever it takes. Some cheat, some put in the hard work, some get it, some don’t. But those who are remembered don’t just win once in their life but keep on winning. What matters in this world is to turn out a winner, so unless you’re on the right path you’ll need to reprioritize.
Simply figure out what it takes to win and then do it. Never stop until you’ve done it. In the end, only the winners will be remembered. Life is simple: winners win, losers lose.
Preston Waters | Elite.