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Sex With An Ex: Good Idea Or Bad Idea?

There are two kinds of sex that surpass the rest: make-up sex and break-up sex. Break-up sex is my personal favorite because it is one of the few times that you can really let loose with someone that you are already sexually comfortable with and, since it may be the last time that you see this person, you can really, really let loose.

The only other time that you are given such an opportunity is when you are having casual sex with your ex.

Sex with an ex is a favorite pastime among both men and women. Like break-up sex, it is a time when you get to fuck someone you know is hot- because you used to date them- someone that you know is at least half decent between the sheets, and since the chances are that you have already done some crazy shit, you can push the bar even higher and try out that insane thing you saw in Busts and Bubble Butts Part 4. You can’t lose, right? Well… that’s not completely true.

While there are times when giving it to your ex is more than acceptable, there comes a point when you need to cut them lose. The difficult part is figuring out when you should try to squeeze in another quickie and when it’s time to fry bigger fish.

This only goes for those of you that have been in a committed and emotional relationship. If the last person you dated you only dated for the sex, then by all means continue humping; if you didn’t care about each other in the first place, then you can fuck your brains out until something better sits onto your lap. But if your last relationship was somewhat meaningful, then watch your step- you could be heading down a rocky road.

A problem that sometimes arises when banging your ex is the emotions that can sneak back into your heads. This doesn’t just go for you- this also goes for your ex. If either of you start to feel something for each other again, then you are likely to be having a conversation in the near future- as in, after you bust- that you don’t want to have.

This almost always ends up being the case because chances are that the break-up wasn’t a mutual decision. Even worse, you might end up making a huge mistake; you may end up getting back together.

Play it safe. Get together once, go at it, and see what happens afterwards. If things seem to be cool, then maybe bootycall each other in a few weeks- preferably not in the same month to avoid the misconception that you are interested in seeing them on the regular.

However, if things get messy then cut things off immediately. You don’t want casual sex to turn into an extended break-up. Break-ups are never fun; why would you want to draw it out for months? In all honesty, even if sex with your ex is great, you should never still be fucking them 6 months after your break-up.

You need to move on eventually and get back into the game. Knowing that you have your ex as a fallback will only slow down your game. And let’s be honest… you broke up with them so that you could fuck other people. So go fuck other people!

Paul Hudson | Elite. 
