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The Simple Things Women Need To Do To Understand Men

All women will one-day experience the eternal struggle that is trying to understand men. Gender biases are unfortunately real, but coming from a man, it seems that women give themselves extra obstacles that don’t have much importance on the quest of trying to understand the way we think. Here are a few things you could do to better see eye to eye with us:

Learn To Differentiate Between Being Serious & Shit Talking

A huge part of being a guy is the effectiveness of our jokes & shit talking. We pride ourselves in this ability. Nevertheless, too often have I seen women confuse slight remarks that are meant to be jokes as serious statements or intentional jabs at personal flaws.

This dilemma busts open the doors to a slew of pointless and confusing arguments. Ladies, use context clues. Dissect the context of the conversations & the tone in which we speak. If an earnest statement were to arise, you should immediately feel it in the way we say it.

Don’t get upset with us because we may seem to be always joking around. It’s our trivial way of having fun and making the time pass. Nonetheless, a mature guy knows to differentiate between the situations where this type of behavior is proper or inappropriate.

Stop Yelling

Here’s a secret: Men would tell you the wildest things just to avoid arguments. As confrontational we are in nature, we don’t like to argue about shit we don’t care about because we know it’s just a temporary flare up of temper. If you were to change your tactics in arguing, maybe we would stop lying to you about where we were yesterday.

Not that we don’t care about your feelings, we would just rather not deal with your reaction. Stop going all psycho on us, it’s not like its prevented any increase in behavior you don’t approve of, anyway. It’s 2012, everything can be explained calmly & justly in a civil manner.

Our Friends

Our friends are our main nucleus. Very seldom are we able to take care of shit without their companionship or opinion. You may hate them, but they are a central piece for our day to day operations.

We would much rather hang out with JUST our close friends than deal with a bunch of promiscuous self loathing women, so relax when we tell you that “We’re with the boys.”

Regardless of how you feel about our friends, learn to differentiate that at the end of the day, the collective opinion does not represent who we are .

We Don’t Care

It’s scientifically proven that women are emotionally driven beings, but men on the other hand are not. The things we really care about are accurately defined and only a select few things outside of this domain will trigger any emotion.

Don’t be upset if we don’t care.  We aren’t assholes, its just that there are just other things we would rather use our energy on.

Misaell Cabral | Elite
