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Obama Chance Of Victory Now Over 90 Percent

Following the first presidential debate, it seemed that Governor Mitt Romney was gaining some momentum against our President Barack Obama.

Unfortunately for Romney, his momentum has completely stalled. According to the most recent polls, Obama is in the lead of both the national vote and electoral map.

FiveThirtEight’s Nate Silver sees no hope of victory for Mitt Romney:

“Mitt Romney has always had difficulty drawing a winning Electoral College hand. Even during his best period of polling, in the week or two after the first presidential debate in Denver, he never quite pulled ahead in the polling averages in Ohio and other states that would allow him to secure 270 electoral votes.”

“But the most recent set of polls suggest another problem for Mr. Romney, whose momentum in the polls stalled out in mid-October. Instead, it is President Obama who is making gains.”
Silver’s projection gives Obama a 92% chance of winning the election.

Paul Hudson | Elite. 
