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20 Pieces Of Advice To Help You Get Through Your 20′s

Your 20′s may very well be the most pivotal point of your life. It will set the tone for how your future unfolds along with how you make the decisions based around your own well being and prosperity.

Of course this puts a lot of pressure on a simple decade of your life but that pressure is necessary as this is a compromise people need to recognize and adapt to instead of just ignoring it, partying away only to be stuck in your 30s trying to figure out what to do with yourself.

It just doesn’t work that way. Within your 20s, the decisions you make are completely up to you. You are currently an adult and this isn’t high school any more where your parents are vouching for your wrongdoings and getting you out of trouble. This is a difficult period to get through, but the way you handle it will determine your ability to maintain a stable, fruitful and prideful lifestyle. Here are 20 pieces of advice to help you get through your 20s.

20. Despite what it looks like on social media no one our age has life figured out yet. We are all just walking around like chickens without a head pretending like we know what were talking about. Don’t ever be worried that someone is doing better than you and just worry about yourself.

19. Don’t trust everyone that will smile in your face. This isn’t a popularity contest and no one cares how many friends you have. Don’t be so easy with giving up your trust to people because everyone is just looking out for him or herself in their 20s.

18. Don’t ever burn a bridge. You will most likely meet a lot of people in the professional world through networking and business. Don’t ever let a bridge go down because you never know when you may need them. Your network is your networth.

17. Your stubbornness will either help you or kill you. We are all stubborn, especially our generation. Learn how to use your stubbornness to actually help you in life instead of being your own worst enemy.

16. Don’t beat yourself up over mistakes. If anything, this is actually the time to make mistakes because you can at least learn from them and move on. Your 20s are a learning curve and if you don’t learn the valuable lessons to make you a better person now, when will you? Don’t dwell on your mistakes, turn them into knowledge of the game.

15. Be your own advocate. It’s important that you advocate for yourself in both your work and personal life. No one’s going to care more about you than yourself. Always keep your own interests in mind and push yourself to excel. Now is not the time to worry about others.

14. Jealousy is a useless emotion. Turn it into something more productive. Let it push you to get ahead rather than produce an evil side of your personality. Let it make you work harder so people are jealous of you instead.

13. There is a time and place for everything. The ones who end up living the most fruitful lives are the ones who discipline themselves and know their boundaries. They know it’s not a good idea to party till 5am on a Monday night when there is work in the morning.

12. Take responsibility. It’s tough to transition into being independent after college, but this is not the time to point the finger at other people for decisions that you made on your own. Take responsibility for your actions, it’s your life and no one plays anywhere near as big of a role in what happens to you as yourself.

11. Just because it feels good doesn’t mean it’s right. There are many things that may feel great at the moment like doing coke off a girl’s ass or having sex with no condom but just because it feels good for a little bit doesn’t mean it’s best for your mental and physical health.

10. Life is a game of chess not checkers. As we all know the game of checkers is a bit too simple and a child can even be good at it. But life is not that easy, it’s a game of chess where every move you make you must coordinate with the next one and how you will respond to its outcome.

9. You had a bad break up, get over it. Are you 8 years old and you just got your first kiss? Love is the last thing you should be focusing on right now because you don’t need to be distracted from your goals. Don’t ever sit there and stress about your love life. Just find someone else that will give you sex with less of a headache, problem solved.

8. Appreciate what it means to be young. As much as someone can anyway. You will never feel as young as the previous day, month, year or decade. Enjoy it while it’s there.

7.  Keep your head up. There are going to be some rainy days here and there. It doesn’t matter if you’re not currently where you want to be in your life. What matters is that you’re actively trying to achieve your goals rather than getting defeated.

6. It might suck now but it will be well worth it. So many complain that the real world is too hard and that they don’t want to work so much and wish they could just enjoy their life more. Well, if life sucks get a helmet. Fight through the weakness in your mind and get over it, it will definitely be worth it in the end.

5. Get your shit together. The biggest mistake many make in their 20s is falling into disorganization. Understand where your priorities lie and what actually needs to be done if you want to have the life you’ve always dreamed of.

4. Love yourself. Do what you love by being one with who you are and utilizing your individuality to its fullest extent. If you don’t love yourself, no one else will.

3. Get over college. Yes, it was fun being young and doing whatever the hell you wanted while getting wasted with all your friends but don’t be that 24 year old that still thinks he or she is in college. Sororities and fraternities don’t exist in the real world so the day you graduate, put those days behind you. No one cares about your college years.

2. Never show weakness. You are old enough to deal with your own problems and not cry to your friends about them. The last thing you want to be looked at is the weak one that always has an issue to deal with. Handle it on your own and move on.

1. Be careful what you wish for. We love to say a lot of things and not take action and do them. Keep your word and if you wished for something, take responsibility for it.
